6 Nutritionist-Backed Tips For Recovering From Vacation

All moms deserve a break. A few days to get away from the hustle of parenting and relax (an activity we frankly don't get enough of). But when we're in that mode of vacation and waving off our routines and schedules, any healthy eating habits we've developed are usually the first to go—and that's totally fine.

It's more than okay to indulge more than you normally would when you're out of town, but that doesn't make that sluggish feeling or the sinking fear that your jeans won't fit when you return home any easier.

So if you've had a little too much fun on vacation, here are a couple of things you can do to recover and ease back into your normal routine:

1. Reduce refined Carbs

When it comes to vacation foods, carbohydrate- rich foods are a fan-favorite for most (especially refined or processed carbohydrates. Lobster roll, anyone?). So if you're feeling a little "bleh" back home, it's probably because you've eaten more carbohydrates than you normally do.

You don't have to swear off bread or donuts forever, but cutting back on refined, processed, “quick” carbohydrates will help reduce fatigue and bloat. Swap out those rolls, sweets, and breads for whole grains like brown rice and quinoa, or grain swaps like cauliflower rice.

2. Have Groceries Delivered The Day You Get Home

It's so easy for that anything-goes mindset we get on vacation to follow us back home. Avoid the temptation of ordering out just to "make it easy" and order your usual healthy groceries to be delivered when you get back home.

The more you surround yourself with healthier options, the more likely you are to take them.

3. Start Crowding Out Processed Foods

A lot of people approach healthy eating with an all-or-nothing approach, but that doesn't have to be the case. You can still have your favorite treats and snacks, just not for every single meal.

Instead of focusing on what foods you can't have, start loading up your plate with things you can have. Lean proteins, fruits and veggies, nuts & seeds, and healthy fats work their way onto more of your plate, while processed foods, sugars and unhealthy fats work their way off!

4. Double Down On Sleep

As much as we aim to rest on vacation, a lot of time our sleep isn't as great when we're out of our homes. So double down on your rest and aim for 8-9 hours in bed especially if you changed time zones.

Check out our posts on sleep optimization tips if you need some extra help.

5. Increase Your Water

A lot of our post-vacation sluggishness can be attributed to dehydration. Focus on the old rule of thumb and drink half of your body weight in ounces of water every single day. It will help flush out toxins and give you more energy too.

6. Make A Meal Plan For Your First Week Back

As moms, we do whatever we can to set our kids up for success. So why don't give yourself the same advantage? Create a meal plan for the first week you're back so you're not floundering. Here are a few meal planning tips to help you get started.

It's okay to go a little off-track with your nutrition when you're on vacation, but it will benefit your physical (and mental) health to get back into your normal routine as soon as you can. Do you have any other tips or tricks you use to bounce back? Comment below and let us know!

This information is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to https://www.sourceandsproutnutrition.com/disclaimer