Stress Management Tips For Surviving Back To School

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If you've ever felt personally victimized by back-to-school season, you're not alone. Whether you're a single mom, a stay-at-home mom or a working mom, this is undoubtedly one of the most stressful times of the year. And one of the times where it's way too easy to put our health on the back burner.

So if you're struggling to keep up with it all and feeling incredibly overwhelmed, try implementing one of these tips to make life a little easier during these next few weeks:

1. Acknowledge That You're Stressed

The first step in dealing with any problem is to make sure you acknowledge that there's a problem. Stop telling everyone you're fine if you're not and that you can handle it if you can't. Moms often feel the need to take on everything and ask for nothing, but all this does is lead to burnout and resentment.

So if you need help or support, ask for it from your partner, spouse, or friends. Once you acknowledge that you're stressed, the next step will be a little bit easier.

2. Make Life As Easy As You Can

Once you acknowledge that back-to-school season is straight up bonkers (because it is), next up is making the rest of your responsibilities as easy as you possibly can.

Meal plan as far into the future as humanly possible. Stock your freezer with meat so you always have something to grab last-minute. Take a quick half-hour to look over cookbooks and find 4-5 simple meals you can make for the next couple of weeks. Stock up on those groceries and have everything you need on hand. Consider getting your groceries delivered if that's possible in your area. I use U.S. Wellness Meats to get grass-fed, pasture-raised meat delivered to my home, and the app Cozi to schedule all my meals.

Brain dump every single responsibility on your plate. Don't keep it all on your head. Write it down and then schedule when things need to be done in your calendar. Save yourself the headache of trying to remember it all.

Prepare food ahead when you can. Batch cooking and freezing meals like spaghetti squash casserole, frittatas or egg cups can make life SO much simpler.

3. Focus On The Basics

This isn't the time to go on some crazy new health kick. Just focus on getting 8-9 hours of good, quality sleep, drinking your water, and eating at regular meal times. Following through with just these simple actions can make a world of difference in how you feel.

4. Find Little Ways To Take A Break

We get it—breaks are virtually nonexistent for many moms. But if you can find a moment (like literally just a few minutes), use it not to scroll mindlessly on your phone, but to take a real, intentional rest.

Get outside (even your backyard is fine). Do deep breathing exercises or meditations. Find a small activity that brings you joy like reading a couple of pages in a good book. Whatever little bit of goodness you can find, find it and soak it up. It will help get you through.

The thing about stress is that you can't ever really eliminate it. But by following these tips you can do your best to reduce it during this crazy time.

How are you holding up during back-to-school season? Comment below and let us know!

This information is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to